10 Foods and Beverages to Avoid for White Teeth

10 Foods and Beverages to Avoid for White Teeth

10 Foods and Beverages to Avoid for White Teeth

Woman eating Berries

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What you eat or drink has a lot to do with how white your teeth stay over the years. If you have white teeth, you’ll want to keep them that way. Here’s a list of foods and drinks you’ll want to avoid or limit to help your pearly whites stay that way:

List Of Foods And Beverages To Avoid

1. Red wine. If you must have a glass of red, rinse or brush your teeth as soon as possible afterward. Wine is fairly acidic and red wine will cling to your teeth, staining them.

2. Black coffee. If you can’t live without your coffee, add milk or cream to dilute its staining power.

3. Dark-colored tea. If you love tea, consider switching to green, white or herbal tea instead. As with coffee, add cream or milk to dilute its dark color.

4. Dark-colored sodas. Sodas are bad for your teeth in general. Limiting them will head off both staining and decay.

5. Berry juice. Like wine, dark berry juice can stain your teeth. Switch to white grape or apple juice instead.

6. Sno-Cones and popsicles. Frozen treats come in all sorts of flavors and colors. Choose the light or clear versions to avoid staining. Like with sodas, limit your intake to avoid decay, too.

7. Soy sauce. Many of your favorite dishes wouldn’t be the same without the soy sauce. Limit to just a dash to avoid excessive staining.

8. Balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is deeply pigmented and acidic, which means it will cling to your teeth. Use it sparingly on salads or use a lighter dressing like rice wine vinegar.

9. Tomato sauce. Tomato sauce, like wine and balsamic vinegar, is acidic and can stain your teeth. Drink plenty of water while you enjoy tomato sauce and brush afterward to avoid discoloring your teeth.

10. Deep-colored berries. While it’s true that raspberries and blueberries are full of healthful antioxidants, they are also culprits of staining. Brush your teeth after you eat them.

All of the above foods and beverages are fine in moderation, and some even offer health benefits. It isn’t necessary to avoid them entirely. However, if you enjoy these as a regular part of your diet, you should take care to avoid staining by brushing daily with a bleaching toothpaste and using a bleaching mouth rinse. Of course, if you still feel that your smile could use some brightening contact Dr. Russo and The Smile Spa team for a quick and painless in-office whitening.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]