Baton Rouge Dentistry: Can You Be Too Old For Cavities?

Month: February 2015

Baton Rouge Dentistry: Can You Be Too Old For Cavities?

Older Couple Smiling and Holding Toothbrushes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we get older there are a number of things that don’t really affect us anymore. In fact we don’t even consider them in our day-to-day lives. Long gone and nearly forgotten are the days of skinned knees and grass stained jeans, acne and being scared of what’s under the bed. For most grownups, especially…

Baton Rouge Teeth Cleaning- How to choose a toothbrush?


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Take a stroll down any toothbrush aisle in the local grocery store and you will undoubtedly come across every type of toothbrush imaginable. So, how do you go about picking the right toothbrush? We have a few tidbits of information on the matter! Among dental professionals, the soft bristle toothbrushes are widely regarded as the…