Baton Rouge Dental Work: A Diet for Healthy Teeth

Baton Rouge Dental Work: A Diet for Healthy Teeth

Baton Rouge Dental Work: A Diet for Healthy Teeth

Woman Cooking

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are number of rules, fads and myths when it comes to food. Wait an hour after eating before getting in the pool is popular one. There are also different strategies on how to fuel your body for certain types of activities. “Carbo-loading” for a big race, eating protein while you weight train and many others are all regimens many of us follow from time to time. No matter what the diet is or what it is for, they all have one thing in common, teeth. Here are 3 easy tips for a tooth-healthy diet:

1.) Drink lots of water: Water keeps your mouth wet, preventing “dry mouth” and a lack of saliva that can cause and accelerate tooth decay and cavities. Drinking water also helps wash and remove any food particles or sugar that may remain on, in or around your teeth and gums.

2.) Avoid sticky foods: Anything that sticks to your teeth increases the chances for tooth decay. While candy, sticky fruits and other common sweets are obvious, other foods like crackers or bread that can stick to your teeth can also turn to sugar and cause damage.

3.) Calcium, calcium, calcium: Not only is it good for your bones, a calcium-filled diet can restore enamel and overall tooth strength. Yogurt, cheese and milk are all great sources of calcium that do more than a body good.

These are simple little things that can enhance any diet and keep your mouth in great shape. Along with a good diet, regular check-ups and cleanings from your dentist, tooth decay and gum disease are very preventable. Enjoying these visits in a soothing, relaxing spa-like atmosphere can make those trips to the dentist even better. For more information, click here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]