Spooky Facts About Dental Health

Spooky Facts About Dental Health

Spooky Facts About Dental Health

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fact can be far more frightening than fiction when it comes to dental health. It is estimated that 25% of older Americans have lost their teeth. Given the access to dental care and providers in this country, this is a startling statistic. There are some terrifying truths about oral care that you should be aware of, many of which you can easily avoid with consistent dental health practices:

Ghastly news about gum disease

Did you know that half of Americans have gum disease? This scary statistic should not minimize the seriousness of this condition. Gum disease can cause swollen, bleeding, and sore gums that could escalate to tooth loss. The best prevention of this is to see your provider annually for a periodontal assessment.

Frightening facts surrounding plaque

Sugars from food and drink can build up on teeth and along the gum-line, forming hard plaque. This plaque can lead to tooth loss, even breaking away from the teeth and flowing through the bloodstream to other organs in the body. When they clog arteries to the heart or brain, the results could be fatal. The prevention of plaque is simple: brush and floss at least twice a day, paying special attention to the areas between teeth, and see your dental provider at least once per year. These professionals will use dental tools to scrape or descale the plaque from the teeth.

Haunting horrors of Halitosis

Don’t assume that chronic bad breath is a normal occurrence. The truth is, halitosis could be a sign of more serious conditions. Some researchers indicate that bad breath could be a symptom of lung cancer. The best way to address this concern is through regularly scheduled appointments with your dental provider, who will refer you to a medical provider as needed.

Poor dental hygiene can have scary repercussions. Vigilant oral care and regular visits to your dental provider can ensure that you never have to experience the terrors of gum disease, and could diagnose underlying medical conditions early.

If you are in the Baton Rouge area, schedule an exam with Dr. Russo at The Smile Spa to fully evaluate the health of your teeth and gums. To request your appointment, simply click here, or call our office directly at (225) 292-7645. By choosing the “Schedule Now” option, you may schedule your own appointment from the comfort of your home at any time of day or night![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]