What Are Some Habits That Are Bad for Teeth? 

Month: May 2023

What Are Some Habits That Are Bad for Teeth? 

So much more goes into maintaining a healthy smile besides brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing your dentist in Baton Rouge, although those are certainly important. Everything from what we eat and drink to our everyday habits can impact oral health. In fact, there are many habits that are bad for teeth, and some…

Tooth Troubles From Too Much Sun

National Sunscreen Day is celebrated every year on May 27th and is designed to raise awareness of the dangers that can come from getting too much sun, especially without the protection of sunscreen. But how exactly does this apply to your teeth, and why is your dentist in Baton Rouge talking about it? The truth is,…

The Link Between Allergies and Dental Problems 

Perhaps the only bad thing about springtime is the allergies that often tend to go with it. Despite all the beauty that spring has to offer, it can also cause the body to respond to new allergens in the environment. This can cause us to feel itchy, stuffed up, and sneezy. But there’s an unknown…